Monday, August 17, 2009

Just Right Already!

Here I am sitting here with SO many things in my head wanting to come out. There are so many stories to tell, so many things to share. So I open up a new post, and start typing. I write two or three sentances, stop, go back and read over everything and decide that it's all wrong. That it doesn't convay what I want it to say. I erase it all and try again. No, still not right. I sit there. Think awhile. And then there it is. I am stuck. Well, looks like I am done for today! And thats it. What is stopping me from writing? My overwhelming need for perfection? Possibly. But I know I will never be perfect. And really, is there such a thing as perfect? Do I want to believe in perfect?

...So what is imporant to me?
I want a record of my family's life. I want to document all of the burnt muffins, basketball injuries, kid quotes and animal stories. I want to be able to look back at the pictures and have the REAL story that goes with them. I want to remember how bueatiful and perfect my life is. I want to see how blessed I am and share that with others. I want to laugh at my mistakes and learn from them. I want to be write about being right in my imperfections. So when times like this come around I can remind myself of how insane it is to not get what I really want because I am too busying being right.

So here's where I am. I am going to take time each week to create a new post. Share pictures and stories, or even just nonsence. But I am going to write. And it is NOT going to be perfect. And there are going to be errors and it is not going to flow. It is going to be messy.
And it will be perfect.

1 comment:

Ashley A. said...

This is a great post. I feel this way a lot. I hope you do post every week. We love the updates and pictures!


P.S. Joe typed this for Ashley and wants to add this: The word I'm supposed to type in for word verification is "doarph". Just thought you'd like to know... -Joe