Thursday, February 16, 2012

Malaki Singing to Lydia

About 6 months or so ago, somehow or another, Malaki and I got on this kick of singing the hymn "Carry On" Malaki loves the song so much.  It is so fun to walk down the street with him on my shoulders sing at the top of his lungs, "And we hear the desert singing, carry on, carry on, carry on!"  It is so fun!

I was cooking in the kitchen and had Lydia in her bouncer.  Malaki decided to go and talk with Lydia.  He does all the time, and I have to be careful that he is not to rough with her, as he often is.  This time however he started singing "Carry On" to her!  I hurried and grabbed my phone to video tape it.  I caught the end of him singing to her and I also was lucky to catch Lydia's big grin and little giggle as well.