Sunday, March 2, 2008

Are You Looking For A Good Time??

48 oz of Prune Juice
Something Like 9 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
And at least 3 gallons of Apple Juice

2. Drink 16 oz of Prune Juice in the morning remembering to "chew" your juice...which means swishing it around so it mixes with your spit.
3. Down 1-2 Tablespoons of Olive oil
4. say "eww gross!"
5. every 30 min. drink 8 to 16 oz of fresh apple juice
6. 30 min. later drink 8 to 16 oz of water... all day
7. 1 -2 more tablespoons of olive oil at noon
8. 5 pm 1-2 more tablespoons of olive oil
9. repeat for 3 days.
10. let the good times roll, or in Nicole's case, flow. hee hee.

Nicole is on a three day juice fast! It's very exciting. She couldn't even make it through writing this blog without having to take a break to use the restroom. Her stomach sounds like a diesel truck idling. (eat you heart out Larry)
Not only is Scott very entertained by the whole ordeal, but he is impressed that Nicole could actually follow through with her juice cleanse. Scott could never be able to accomplish this fast.... unless it was a waffle and cereal fast. Diana even took us to Little America for brunch to celebrate Tara's birthday, and she some how cheerfully resisted eating anything. Although, last night, Nicole wanted to eat so bad that she asked if she could smell Scott's Arby's sandwich.

1 comment:

Chris and Hilary said...

You've got to be kidding! I would maybe be able to do a one day liquid fast. MAYBE.

Let me know how it goes!