Thursday, September 17, 2009

Take that cat out for a walk!

Such a lovely night for a walk. Scott and I sure thought so. Well appearently, we weren't the only ones! Nicole put the sleepywrap on and got Malaki all snuggled up and hunkered down. As we started on our walk, we noticed that both Zero and Toby were following us. This wasn't too surprising because they usually will follow us for the first 100 yards or so. Well today they just kept on trooting along on the side walk right behind us. We got to the point where we kept coaxing them on so they would come back home with us. They seemed pretty happy to be coming along for the most part, but by the time we were just past the half way point they started to get a little spooked. They were walking up closer to the yards and sniffing bushes. Anytime a car would drive by or a stick would snap they'd get all low to the ground and look around. Zero even made the crying noise cats tend to make in cars at one point. But that did not last long, because they soon recognized where they were and started leading the way home! We were so proud of them trusting us, that we gave them a can of tuna as a reward! We don't know how much they enjoy the walk, they were extremely exhausted once we got in the yard, but we had a great time! We hope they join us more often!

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