Sunday, February 17, 2008

First post for us

For our first post, you get two cats!!! This is Zero of our passion and love, and Toby Banjo Cat of Destruction!! Toby is the one on the chair. He has 7 toes on each paw!! amazing!! We love them and they bring a lot of sunshine to our home!! Toby got ran over by a car in the fall. It ran over his head! He survived, but it broke both jaws. His bottom one is still wired together. I think he got only a little brain damage. That just makes him a little bit more crazy.

Here is a picture of one of our big Toby cat's paws. Katy our niece who was 8 at the time, is holding his paw. I don't think Toby understands just how big those things are. Lately when he is hungry, he will jam his claws into the back of our thighs. (Sometimes into Scott's butt cheek!) We yell and scream, and he just sits there staring up at us with his big beautiful eyes, all innocent like. You know he's thinking, "What are you yelling about? I just want some food."

He recently has claimed this box that we had in our recycling pile. He will sit in it and howl. It's hilarious! He runs around in circles and attack the sides. He barely fits in the thing. The other day we found a roll of toilet paper in it that he had stolen. He tore the thing up and stored it in his box for safe keeping. I guess you can say he's pretty clever, for a mutant.

1 comment:

Chris and Hilary said...

Yay! I am glad you guys decided to join the blogging world! I added you to my "fellow bloggers" section on our blog.