Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cloth Diapering!

When Nicole was pregnant, she looked into cloth diapering. Honestly, I was scared. I was didn't quite know how it would turn out. However, it has been great! The diapers were a little more soggy than the disposable ones, but the more you use them the more absorbant they get. With the right cover (we use Thirsties) we have had NO problems with leaks or blowouts! We like them a ton better than disposables, and they are better for the landfills. He looks way cute in his cloth diapers, too! So, if you are thinking about going cloth, do it. Nicole can help.

1 comment:

Joseph A said...

I seriously love the going cloth thing. I wanted to do it, but I'm not the one changing the majority of the diapers. You'll have to keep us posted on how it goes. He's a cute one! And the living room does look great.