Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nesting! Ole!

Lots to be done at the Olsen home! Nicole is nesting, and it is tons o fun! Some how, she convinced Scott to start dry walling the living room. It is looking very nice. Even the plain sheet rock looks better than that hideous panelling! After the sheet rocking, we will try to put the new wood floor down. It is going to look so much better!

Nicole also went crazy yesterday and completely re-organized the kitchen and back closet.

Also, Nicole bought this solid wood dresser! We are going to use it as a changing table. We desperately need more storage space in our house, so the dresser will provide a much needed place to put Malaki's clothes.
The babies room is almost totally ready. We got the crib, now the dresser/changing table, and Nicole's glider rocker chair. We have also painted the room and cleaned the carpet!


Chris and Hilary said...

Is Malaki the name or were you just throwing it out there??

Ashley A. said...

Yes, I was wondering the same thing! Is Malaki the name? I like it. Very cute. I really like that dresser, too.

The Olsens said...

He is definately Malaki...unless for some reason he comes out a girl..or cat.. or some other surprise unknown. We've been calling him Malaki for months now.. It would be weird to have him be anything else, but who knows! My mom hates it, she says she will call him Ki, which she likes a lot.

Nanci said...

The dresser is AWESOME. The living room looks fantastic!

Nanci said...

Oh yeah. And we are calling him Derb. Whirling Derbish.