Saturday, January 10, 2009

Double yolk egg!

Ok... This is pretty cool! I was cooking Kennedy breakfast and cracked one egg into the frying pan, but instead of one yolk, there was two!

This happens rarely with chickens, 1 in a 1,000 I hear. This is my first double yolk egg I've tried to cook, so I was excited.

I guess that it is possible, if the egg was fertilized, for it to hatch 2 chicks. They say the chance of both chicks surviving is slim because the unborn chicks will fight in the egg before it hatches! Crazy. Unborn chicks battling to the death. I never thought of that before. I also read that one lady had a hen that laid double yolk eggs for 8 straight days!

1 comment:

Annie Duckworth said... this has happened to me 3 times in my whole life. I swore it was a sign I was going to have twins.