Thursday, October 2, 2008

Due date May 22

Nicole and I went to the University Hospital yesterday and had an ultrasound done. Nicole is not as far along as we thought she was. They estimate her to be 6 weeks and 5 days. Her due date is May 22.

The ultra sound was really quite neat. We got a short video and a picture. In the video you can't see much, but you can see the heart beating.

After the ultrasound, Nicole's mom treated us to lunch at the Point, at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital. If you have never eaten there, you should! It is the highest building at the University up on the hill, and the restaurant is on the top floor. When you are eating you have a 180 degree panorama of the Salt Lake Valley. Very impressive. Also the food is really good, and it costs as much as a regular hospital cafeteria.

1 comment:

the author said...

What great news, you guys!!!

So happy for you!