Sunday, January 10, 2010

Malaki's First Apple!

Malaki had his first apple the other day! He loved it. He mostly just gummed it, but every now and then you could hear his new little tooth biting into it. Today, Nicole got an apple for herself and Malaki took it away and ate that one too!

Holiday Photos!

Go Katy! Ring that bell!

On Christmas eve we rang the Christmas Bells. We made dreams come true. Mandy was helping Malaki with his bell.

Malaki and Grandma Chris Spendlove (don't tell Chris we published her picture!)

Malaki and Kylee

Malaki LOVED his new stacker toy he got for Christmas. When he first got it he sat and played for a really long time.

Old Halloween!

These are pictures from Halloween 2009. Kennedy had a ton of fun decorating the yard. You can see she did a very good job! Mandy and Katy came over and we went trick or treating. It was all good fun. Happy first Halloween Malaki!